Archive | December 2011

2012 What Lies Ahead?

As is the case as each new year approaches, there is a newness in the air.  People tend to look forward with anticipation to changes on the horizon.  Many, commit to making certain changes in their lives which they list as “resolutions.”  Others, have thrown the notion of resolutions out the door and simply look forward to growing and improving each day that they live.  Whatever the case, the question that always looms is: what lies ahead?

I know that for me, in particular, 2012 will be a year of great change.  I will admit that I am somewhat anxious about what all of that means.  What exactly will the changes encompass and what form will they take?  As I continue on my path of spiritual and personal growth, I see where I still have some areas of challenge.  Perhaps challenges greater than I was previously willing to admit to or perhaps areas where I will see the greatest breakthroughs.  Whatever the case may be, I am now at a crossroad.  Do I rise to the challenge to embrace some news ways of thinking and behavior patterns or do I take the lazy way out?  Do I tell myself  “well at least I don’t do this, that, or the other” or do I continue not to do those things and improve on top of that?

There is one thing that I know for sure though.  Work is always involved.  Though things “should” get easier, they don’t necessarily if you are continuing to grow.  Change is difficult and challenging and many of us face it kicking and screaming.  Yet, we all have characteristics about us or areas of our life where change and growth are necessary.  As we master one challenge, we are confronted with another. Thus, the reason why things don’t necessarily get any easier.

I am deciding to go forth like a trooper with a smile on my face tackling the challenges as they come at me, stepping out on the proverbial limb, doing what I need to do to enhance and enrich my life, and YES fixing those areas that the spotlight is now shining on. I know it won’t be easy, and if you see one of those “this is waaaay harder than I thought it would be” blogs, think back to this one, smile, and offer me an “atta girl, you can do it.”

Wishing all of you a happy, prosperous new year full of growth, enrichment, and most of all love.

Spread love… peace and blessings.